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panic attacks

n. (panic attack English)

Usage examples of "panic attacks".

The shortness of breath, the panic attacks, the pounding of her heart and cowardly behavior, could all mean only one thing: sexual attraction.

He made me feel even more inadequate and guilty, I started having panic attacks again, I'd cry for hours after every session.

Ambient anxiety, panic attacks: this was the stuff she should be talking to Molly about, or at least one of her colleagues.

Since then he had gone through two fits of claustrophobia and at least a half dozen panic attacks.

The Bureau had learned its lesson (yet again, he conceded) about overreaction, Big Brotherliness, and clumsy interventions brought on by panic attacks among its leadership, which was one reason DuChamps had been chosen for her job.

The panic attacks had just begun sooner this time, much sooner than usual.

There were scribbled jottings from time to time, odd visions, panic attacks.

There's no physical addiction to Thorazine, as with narcotics, but going cold turkey off the drug would render Hrubek nauseous, dizzy, sweaty, and intensely nervous, all of which would increase the likelihood of panic attacks.