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a. 1 Encompassing or including all genders. 2 (label en LGBT of a person) Identifying as all genders.


Pangender people are those who feel they identify as all genders. The term has a great deal of overlap with genderqueer and trigender. Because of its all-encompassing nature, presentation and pronoun usage varies between different people who identify as pangender. Some people who identify as pangender seek to transition.

Pangender can be considered a problematic term; as it is impossible to associate with every gender in existence, if spiritual and cultural genders such as Two-spirit and Hijra are included. People who identify as pangender might more accurately be speaking of a desire or willingness to include aspects of any or all genders in their lives, rather than making a claim that they associate with every gender which exists. Common replacements that exclude culturally unavailable genders include "maxigender" and "polygender".