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The Collaborative International Dictionary

paneling \pan"el*ing\ (p[a^]n"[e^]l*[i^]ng), n.

  1. The act or process of forming in panels or decorating with panels. [Written also panelling.]

  2. The panels which decorate the walls of a room.


n. (alternative spelling of panelling English) vb. (alternative spelling of panelling English)


n. a panel or section of panels in a wall or door [syn: panelling, pane]

Usage examples of "paneling".

In addition to the Renaissance desk and the Singer sewing machine, his equipment included a tall, narrow mirror, reaching up to the ceiling paneling, of the kind to be found in tailor shops and ballet schools.

The walls were covered with fine paneling, the servants noted often, not the spidersilk trappings found in older rooms.

Beyond, down the hall and deeper in, were dark wood paneling, precise parquetry, and carpets thick as meadow grass.

Someone had either punched or kicked the plasterboard or paneling so violently that it was almost as if a wrecking crew had crashed through.

No doubt he would tear down the curtains and the wallpaper and redecorate, probably in the currently fashionable arts-and-crafts style, with oak paneling and hard rustic chairs.

The walls had been replastered and painted, the floors sanded and refinished, the paneling cleaned and shined.

This time the rusty head scrunched through not only the paneling but also structure inside.

Third Street, the home of Mayor Samuel Powel, whose wealth and taste could be measured in richly carved paneling, magnificent paintings, a tea service in solid silver that would have fetched considerably more than the entire contents of the Adams household at Braintree.

The walls, the paneling, the pervasive heaviness of nearly new fixtures, the colossal firedogs, the walk-in fireplaces of bright new stone referred back through the centuries to a time of lonely castles in mute forests.

All of them -- fifteen or so including Huggins, Pineapple, Wright, Farneti, Barber, Shock, and an aspiring comedian named Mark Wilkes -- hung out between sets in the greenroom, a small, dark space with fake-wood paneling and a beer-stained floor, talking and drinking, all of them wired from stage time.

The spacious reception hall had a limestone floor, honey-tone wood paneling, a pair of rosewood Chinese chairs with emerald-green cushions, and a central table holding a large red-bronze jardiniere filled with dozens of fresh yellow, red, and orange tulips.

Nearby stood a writing desk with linenfold paneling, a lectern fashioned like a two-tiered tower on a baluster support, and an X-framed chair.

The walls still boasted beautiful linenfold paneling and ornate candle brackets.

The afternoon sunlight spilled over the dark linenfold paneling of a chamber that bore a masculine aura as strong and austere as the man ensconced behind the desk.

Italian plaster ceiling and linenfold paneling in both it and the sitting room.