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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Pandion haliaetus

Osprey \Os"prey\, Ospray \Os"pray\, n. [Through OF. fr. L. ossifraga (orig., the bone breaker); prob. influenced by oripelargus (mountain stork, a kind of eagle, Gr. ?); cf. OF. orpres, and F. orfraie. See Ossifrage.] (Zo["o]l.) The fishhawk ( Pandion haliaetus).

Pandion haliaetus

Fishhawk \Fish"hawk`\, n. (Zo["o]l.) The osprey ( Pandion halia["e]tus), found both in Europe and America; -- so called because it plunges into the water and seizes fishes in its talons. Called also fishing eagle, and bald buzzard.