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Palustris is a Latin word meaning " swampy" or " marshy". It is often used in taxonomy for species names typically in scientific names for animals and plants to refer to the typical habitat of the species.

Usage examples of "palustris".

Higher up the course of the river, Orchis conopsea, long-spurred and very sweet, the compact Orchis pyramidalis, and the rare Epipactis palustris are to be found, as well as Campanula Glomerata, and crow garlic, in an old chalk-pit nearly destroyed by the railway and the water works.

SOMATIC ECOLOGY JOURNAL SPORTS AND MUTATION REPORT REPTILIAN HEREDITY REVIEW SUMMARY A case is presented for the interpretation of cross-economic relationships in a Bolivian mountain village as a manifestation of Mergendahler's Syndrome with the energising factors deweighted by religious, nutritional and Isolated genetic material is now available from GT for Rana palustris ay well as Rattus norvegicus albus.