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Paloma (name)

Paloma is a female given name, derived from Latin "palumbus" which means Dove; a symbol of Peace. The name also can be understood as The Holy Spirit symbolized in this bird. Palomma, using double "m", comes from a Neapolitan dialect, made famous in the song "Palomma 'e notte" written by Di Giacomo and Buongiovanni in 1906.

In Southern Italy is celebrated on Easter "La Festa della Palomma" (Feast of Palomma) at the Chiesa della Madonna della Nova (Our Lady of Nova's Church), Ostuni, Puglia. In Spain is celebrated " Virgen de la Paloma de Madrid" feast's day on August 15.

Paloma is a common name in Italy and especially Spain.

Paloma (cocktail)

The paloma (Spanish for "dove") is a tequila-based cocktail. This drink is most commonly prepared by mixing tequila with a grapefruit-flavored soda such as Fresca, Squirt, or Jarritos and served on the rocks with a lime wedge. This drink also has the option of adding salt to the rim of the glass.

Alternatively, the grapefruit soda can be replaced with fresh white or red grapefruit juice (jugo de toronja), club soda (sugar optional), and fresh-squeezed lime juice.

Paloma (telenovela)

Paloma is a Mexican telenovela produced by Alfredo Saldaña and Ernesto Alonso for Televisión Independiente de México in 1975.

Usage examples of "paloma".

Lance Lovelace located a ranch a few miles south of the Nueces River, and, from the cooing of the doves in the encinal, named it Las Palomas.

The feeding grounds lay distant, extending from the encinal ridges on the Las Palomas lands to live-oak groves a hundred miles to the southward.

Nor had any one from the Vaux or McLeod ranches, for while they did not understand the situation, it was obvious that something was wrong, and they had remained away as did Las Palomas.

Carefully avoiding ranches where I was known, two short rides put me in Las Palomas, reaching headquarters after nightfall, where, in seclusion, I spent a restless day and night.

Paloma used to bring rolls of string down and unravel them behind her, so she could find her way back, yet even she discovered merely how much lay beyond our knowledge.

Indians, the other two bloated, sour Chicanes, were resting in a shady portal between La Paloma Liquors and the deserted News office.

Things got straightened away in another couple of seconds, with Paloma drawing up next to Floyt on the other side and the two riderless gawks looking around grazing fashion, finding nothing to eat nearby except pink sand.

The humans had suffered no casualties but the gawks had, and Paloma, Floyt, and Alacrity were painfully aware of the connection.

Paloma dashed to the bath chamber first, while Alacrity used the lavatory and Floyt rummaged through the kitchen storage, digging for vitamins and medicines as well as food and drink.

En ulteriores épocas de esplendor, cuando rehusaba con desdén los cigarros de hoja de los pecosos sachems de Tammany o visitaba los mejores prostíbulos en un coche automóvil precoz, que parecía el hijo natural de una góndola, abrió un segundo y falso comercio, que hospedaba cien gatos finos y más de cuatrocientas palomas —que no estaban en venta para cualquiera.

We got minor league lucky on our hot car queries--an Olds was snatched two blocks from La Paloma.

Jacinto Day had been extremely light, not a person from Las Palomas being present, while the tournament for that year had been abandoned.

Las Palomas until a matter of a delicate nature had brought him hither.

But, lieutenant, you mustn't think you can ride right past Las Palomas when you're not under emergency orders.

Leaving Las Palomas after nightfall, I passed the McLeod ranch after midnight.