In Malayalam and Tamil schools are popularly known as Pallikkoodam.
The real meaning of Pallikkoodam is a sacred place for education. In medieval Kerala, Buddhist viharas were known as 'Palli. When Budha bhiskhus started small schools, they were called Pallikkoodam. The word "Pallikkoodam" originates from the Malayalam root words: palli and koodam. The word Palli usually denotes respect. Palliunarthal referring to respectable word to describe the morning awakening of a king. Pallurakkam, is another word which commence with the same sound "palli" respectable word to express a King's sleep. It is not known from when the word "palli" started using in the language though but it denotes the respect attached to the word. Malayalam word for "Church / Mosque" is also later referred to as "Palli".
In Sri Lankan Tamil, too, the word Pallikkoodam is used.