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n. (plural of paleoanthropologist English)

Usage examples of "paleoanthropologists".

Mary could think of some paleoanthropologists who would be thrilled by this news—and others who would be extremely pissed off.

After the first day of papers, many of the paleoanthropologists adjourned to the hotel bar.

Then again, Ponter had heard paleoanthropologists talking at the meeting in Washington about his own appearance.

This fast was yet another element in the habilines’ communal reaction to death, but my discovery of these various elements—ones that many contemporary paleoanthropologists have either dismissed as nonsense or hedged about with qualifiers—gave me no sense of accomplishment, no exhilarating shot in the arm.

To add to the confusion, individual forms often went by a succession of different names as paleoanthropologists refined, reworked, and squabbled over classifications.

In fact, paleoanthropologists now tend to believe that the tool part of Oldowan rocks were the pieces flaked off these larger stones, which could then be used for cutting.

Naturally, Chinese paleoanthropologists hope to prove that early man evolved in Asia and migrated to Africa instead of the accepted other way around.