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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Palatability \Pal`a*ta*bil"i*ty\, n. Palatableness.


n. 1 (context uncountable English) The condition of being palatable 2 (context countable English) The extent to which something is palatable


n. the property of being acceptable to the mouth [syn: palatableness] [ant: unpalatability]


Palatability is the hedonic reward (i.e., pleasure) provided by foods or fluids that are agreeable to the " palate", which often varies relative to the homeostatic satisfaction of nutritional, water, or energy needs. The palatability of a food or fluid, unlike its flavor or taste, varies with the state of an individual: it is lower after consumption and higher when deprived. Palatability of foods, however, can be learned. It has increasingly been appreciated that this can create a hedonic hunger that is independent of homeostatic needs.

Usage examples of "palatability".

Perhaps they worked to inform it of the proximity and palatability of potential food.

But their initial selection of barley and emmer wheat rather than other cereals to collect, bring home, and cultivate would have been conscious and based on the easily detected criteria of seed size, palatability, and abundance.

He tested it for palatability, banged it on the ground in a vaguely hopeful way, and threw it away.