Palangad is a village in the Kozhikode District of Kerala, India.
Palangad t is approximately 25 km away from Kozhikode (Calicut) city and connected by road through Calicut Medical College and Narikkuni. There are two schools running in Palangad village, A.M.L.P.PALANGAD and Punnassery .A.U.P.School.One unaided school run by MES. Two famous Clubs are running in the heart of Palngad area, Soprano Palanagad and Fighters Palangad. The famous Palangad pally (Masjid) is situated at Palangad. The pally runs an institution for students with expenses carried out by the believers under the area of this Masjid and management itself. There is a famous temple " Puthiyakaavu sree bhagavathi temple " is situated in Mele palangad area. Many devotees came here from all part of Kerala to clear their issues or problems.
Popular attractions in Palangad include the Kuttichathan Para and the Nattikkallu, a large rock 25 meters high. Some ancient caves found in border area of Palangad, i.e., near to Kuttamboor.Mixed life of Muslim and Hindu can see there.
Palangad attributes most of its hitherto unknown development to Thalakkottu Thousif Muhammed, known popularly as 'Father Of Palangad', a champion advocate for the freedom of speech. He is the son of Thalakkottu Muhammed, also known as the 'Voice of Palangad'. Today Palangad is paying respect for its champion who is leaving for Kuwait.Palangad is proud of you.