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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Palaeographer \Pa`l[ae]*og"ra*pher\, n., Palaeographic \Pa`l[ae]*o*graph"ic\, a., etc. See Paleographer, Paleographic, etc.


n. (alternative spelling of paleographer English)

Usage examples of "palaeographer".

Voynich heard from many specialists who were interested in the problem: palaeographer H.

What remains of the contents was done into modem Greek letters by the palaeographer, Rutherford, and in this form submitted to the translators.

The box held only a queer parchment whose characters no linguist or palaeographer has been able to decipher or identify.

What remains of the contents was done into modern Greek letters by the palaeographer, Rutherford, and in this form submitted to the translators.

The large, bold hieroglyphs, extending in a narrow line down the centre of the scroll and penned or painted with a grey pigment defying analysts, resembled nothing known to linguists and palaeographers, and could not be deciphered despite the transmission of photographic copies to every living expert in the given field.