PalacePlanet is a portal website built to support and unite the Palace community in 2000. The Palace community is a group of dedicated chat servers running the Palace chat software. One of the first visual chats invented by Jim Bumgardner (JBum) in 1993. The original idea behind PalacePlanet was to combine all the available information online, make a simple site that linked all together. Only a few months after the site was made, then owner of the Palace chat software, decided to stop development.
In 2006 Palace Planet is the only active support site left for Palace users. Other sites have some information up but most has been out of date for years. The Palace Planet user forum, roomart gallery and up to date downloads section have been key to keep the community alive. To make online life easier for newcomers Palace Planet has released a new and updated version of all the Palace manuals. Making information accessible for anyone and keeping the community alive.
In the summer of 2008 the only live directory website for Palace users "" went down and community leaders are urging users to link to Palaceplanet to save what is left of the community.