Crossword clues for paiute
Paiute (; also Piute) refers to three closely related groups of indigenous peoples of the Great Basin:
- Northern Paiute of California, Idaho, Nevada and Oregon.
- Owens Valley Paiute of California and Nevada.
- Southern Paiute of Arizona, southeastern California, Nevada and Utah.
Usage examples of "paiute".
Paiute tribe as a contraceptive, has since been found to inhibit gonadotrophins in mice.
Most of the baskets used by the Navaho in their ceremonies, however, are purchased from neighboring tribes, especially the Havasupai and the Paiute, who weave them primarily for purposes of trade.
Angulo mastered the fundamentals of seventeen distinct Native American languages -- in California alone, Karok, Klamath, Modoc, Miwok, Paiute, Pomo, Shastan and Achumawi.
Potawatomi and Kansa Kiowa and Paiute Shuswap and Shoshoni Chiricahua and Azteca they died.
Jace knew the story well, and he repeated it over and over to himself, never wanting to forget how the white man had robbed the Washo and Paiute of their hunting grounds.
Even though the Washo accepted their fate bravely and managed to exist without retaliation against the white man, they were punished along with the Paiutes.
Window Rock house as the northern base of her endless research on the mythology of Navajo, Ute, Paiute, Zuni, Hopi, and any other tribes she could persuade to talk into her tape recorder.
Steve knew of the Ghost Dance, had read of the Paiute mystic Wovoka who, in 1888, had claimed that in a vision the spirits had promised the return of the buffalo and the restoration to the Indians of their ancestral lands.