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pair of pants

n. 1 A single garment that covers one's legs individually with sleeves, and also covers the pelvis. 2 (context topology English) The orientable surface of genus two having three boundary components.

Pair of pants (mathematics)

In mathematics, a pair of pants is a surface which is homeomorphic to the three-holed sphere. The name come from considering one of the removed disks as the waist and the two others as the cuffs of a pair of pants.

Pairs of pants are used as building blocks for compact surfaces in various theories. Two important applications are to hyperbolic geometry, where decompositions of closed surfaces into pairs of pants are used to construct the Fenchel-Nielsen coordinates on Teichmüller space, and in Topological quantum field theory where they are the simplest non-trivial cobordisms between 1-dimensional manifolds.

Usage examples of "pair of pants".

I went out of the bathroom, passing the patient Mojo with only a little pat on the head, and went into the master bedroom, tore open the closet and found another pair of pants, a better pair, in fact, of gray wool, and at once slipped off my shoes, and made the change.

He handed each a white dress shirt and three plain shirts of various colors, four pair of pants, socks and underwear, four handkerchiefs-all wrapped in a tight bundle by a long bilious cotton nightshirt.

One day as he was delivering a pair of pants on Fillmore Place he was accosted by Joe Gerhardt who was about the same age and who considered himself a rather superior being.

He thought he was free, but when the piss started to flow it turned out that he wasn't--a good measure of piss went between one pair of pants and the other.

He pulled out a simple tunic and pair of pants, stuffed his other clothing into the bag, and hid it in the hollow trunk of a nearby tree.

I bet you dont own a pair of pants that doesnt have fifty different pockets.

He left, instead, head down, to go into the storage room and look for a dry pair of pants.

She felt in the pockets of one pair of pants: a comb, a piece of string.

But the difference between bare naked and a pair of pants is far greater than the difference between cheap work trousers and the finest-ermine.

If he needed a shirt or a pair of pants or whatever it might be, he came to the hotel, asked for his bag or package, took out what he needed, and returned the bag to the care of the manager.

He was dressed as Hakim would be: shirtless, a blousy pair of pants belted tightly to his waist, the cuffs tucked into the lacing of his sandals.