n. (context archaic English) a female painter
Usage examples of "paintress".
They might not be able to afford an opera dancer, or a music hall performer, but they can afford a paintress, who will be at least as pretty, and cost far less to feed, since the lead destroys their appetite.
If the other workers wondered about this special privilege, they never said anything, perhaps because the paintresses were given the grand title of Porcelain Artist and got other privileges as well.
Reggie were discussing something about a female doctor, a suffragist, who was campaigning on behalf of the paintresses at one of her potteries.
The paintresses have a reputation for beauty, and they've no lack of suitors— He laughed, but there was no humor in the laugh.
If the other workers wondered about this special privilege, they never said anything, perhaps because the paintresses were given the grand title of Porcelain Artist and got other privileges as well.
Men looking for pretty mistresses may go looking among the paintresses, you mean?
Ellen's second-cousin is the only person that has ever brought one of these paintresses to the attention of a doctor, and that is in no small part because the cousin discovered Ellen's magical potential was being drained away from her by a person unknown.
Actually, Andrew, that's not quite true—Madam and Reggie were discussing something about a female doctor, a suffragist, who was campaigning on behalf of the paintresses at one of her potteries.