Crossword clues for paintable
The Collaborative International Dictionary
paintable \paintable\ adj. Lending itself to being painted; as, a highly paintable landscape; made of sturdy eminently paintable wood. Opposite of unpaintable.
a. 1 That can be painted; to which a coating of paint can be applied. 2 That can be painted (rendered by an artist in paint).
adj. lending itself to being painted; "a highly paintable landscape"; "made of sturdy eminently paintable wood" [ant: unpaintable]
Usage examples of "paintable".
It is true that the painter may occasionally feel a want of colour, the costumes of the peasant are apt to be dull and heavy, yet not unfrequently rags and tatters bring compensation by picturesque outlines and paintable surface-textures.
His impression had been that Nash had a head quite fine enough to be a challenge, and that as he sat there day by day all sorts of pleasant and paintable things would come out in his face.
When Bragdon essayed a picture in the slack summer season, it was discovered that Milly, for all her vivacious good looks, was not paintable in the full figure.
Then, realizing that a paintable scene was spread before his eye, he forgot the bullets and began to sketch.
He tied the brown lace of my boot in a neat bow, then stood up, looking about himself like an artistsurveying a paintable scene.