Paidimadugu is a village in Korutla Mandal in Karimnagar District of Telangana State, India. It is located 72 KM north from District head quarters Karimnagar, 8 KM from Korutla.
Paidimadugu Pin code is 505460 and postal head office is Raikal .
Madhapur ( 3 KM ) , Chinnametpally ( 4 KM ) , Mahitapur ( 5 KM ) , Raikal ( 6 KM ) , Porumalla ( 7 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Paidimadugu. Paidimadugu is surrounded by Korutla Mandal towards west, Medipalli Mandal towards South , Mallapur Mandal towards North , Metpalli Mandal towards west .
Koratla , Jagtial , Nirmal , Sircilla are the nearby cities to Paidimadugu.