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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Padlock \Pad"lock`\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Padlocked; p. pr. & vb. n. Padlocking.] To fasten with, or as with, a padlock; to stop; to shut; to confine as by a padlock.
--Milton. Tennyson.


vb. (en-past of: padlock)


Padlocked is a 1926 American drama silent film directed by Allan Dwan and written by Rex Beach, Becky Gardiner, James Shelley Hamilton. The film stars Lois Moran, Noah Beery, Sr., Louise Dresser, Helen Jerome Eddy, Allan Simpson, Florence Turner and Richard Arlen. The film was released on August 2, 1926, by Paramount Pictures.

Usage examples of "padlocked".

There's nothing important I'm capable of doing except tell you what little I know and offer you the psychological security of my padlocked room if you can figure out how to negate the padlock.

Since this was a time of threat and since Endor's room was padlocked, the hobby room represented a welcome refuge, even if second best.

They passed a padlocked roadside shrine of the Virgin Mary and child, the blue plaster robes shining like the sea in moonlight.

With his binoculars he could see the padlocked roadside shrines holding their dusty saints inside.

The winter was near its end, but the mountains were filled with storm gales and the padlocked shrines of saints along the roads were dripping with rain.

The shattered neurons of his brain tangled and he thought he was running through the mountains with Aspanu seven years before, the fresh water flowing out of the ancient Roman cisterns, the smell of strange flowers intoxicating, running past the holy saints in their padlocked shrines, and he cried out, as on that night, "Aspanu, I believe," believing in his happy destiny, in the true love of his friend.

He swung the heavy iron door to, careful not to make the least whisper of sound, slid home two heavy bolts, ran quickly down the arched passage-way, closed and padlocked the lower door and put the key in his pocket.

On the outside of the device was a vertical lever padlocked in position in its top position.

The padlocked door, with its heavy hasp, was probably Debierue's studio and formerly the master bedroom of the original owner.

He glanced toward the hallway leading to his padlocked studio, looked back at me, smiled at Berenice, and tugged pensively at his lower lip.

He recalled the padlocked barracks, the emptyness, the air of desertion.

Fuming, she wheeled her lawn mower back into the garage, carefully padlocked the doors, then retrieved her car from the curb.