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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Paddle steamer

Paddle \Pad"dle\, n. [See Paddle, v. i.]

  1. An implement with a broad blade, which is used without a fixed fulcrum in propelling and steering canoes and boats.

  2. The broad part of a paddle, with which the stroke is made; hence, any short, broad blade, resembling that of a paddle, such as that used in table tennis.

    Thou shalt have a paddle upon thy weapon.
    --Deut. xxiii. 1

  3. 3. One of the broad boards, or floats, at the circumference of a water wheel, or paddle wheel.

  4. A small gate in sluices or lock gates to admit or let off water; -- also called clough.

  5. (Zo["o]l.) A paddle-shaped foot, as of the sea turtle.

  6. A paddle-shaped implement for stirring or mixing.

  7. [In this sense prob. for older spaddle, a dim. of spade.] See Paddle staff (b), below. [Prov. Eng.] Paddle beam (Shipbuilding), one of two large timbers supporting the spring beam and paddle box of a steam vessel. Paddle board. See Paddle, n., 3. Paddle shaft, the revolving shaft which carries the paddle wheel of a steam vessel. Paddle staff.

    1. A staff tipped with a broad blade, used by mole catchers. [Prov. Eng.]

    2. A long-handled spade used to clean a plowshare; -- called also plow staff. [Prov. Eng.]

      Paddle steamer, a steam vessel propelled by paddle wheels, in distinction from a screw propeller.

      Paddle wheel, the propelling wheel of a steam vessel, having paddles (or floats) on its circumference, and revolving in a vertical plane parallel to the vessel's length.

paddle steamer

n. (context nautical English) A steam-powered vessel propelled by one or two paddle wheels

paddle steamer

n. a steam vessel propelled by paddle wheels [syn: paddle-wheeler]

Paddle steamer

SS Natchez IX
Sternwheeler paddleboat in Louisiana

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The Advance

American Civil War blockade-runner
Sidewheel steamer


A paddle steamer is a steamship or riverboat powered by a steam engine that drives paddle wheels to propel the craft through the water.

In antiquity, paddle wheelers followed the development of poles, oars and sails, where the first uses were wheelers driven by animals or humans.

Modern paddle wheelers may be powered by diesel engines. Save for tourism and small pleasure boats (paddle boats), paddle propulsion is largely superseded by the screw propeller and other marine propulsion systems that have a higher efficiency, especially in rough or open water.

Usage examples of "paddle steamer".

The paddle steamer moved slowly, surely, down the River, branches occasionally trailing on the roof of the bridge.

Reflected from the gently waving surface, the rusted paddle steamer became a shimmering white dream ship resplendent with electric jewels.

A couple of cargo schooners and a paddle steamer were docked in the river near the swimmers, along with the Fulton Ferry, the station of which stood next to the fish market.

He set out for Mandinaung the following morning on the paddle steamer.

He had sailed once on an afternoon's excursion in an old paddle steamer from Wevmouth to Lul worth Cove, a distance of six miles.

Pitt took one last, longing look at the walking beams of the old paddle steamer and wished he could have sailed it through the Panama Canal and up the Potomac River to Washington.

The design and shape reminded Pitt of an old Mississippi side paddle steamer, like the famed Robert E.