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n. (plural of packhorse English)

Usage examples of "packhorses".

WHINNYING OF ONE of the packhorses woke Abe with a start, and he fumbled in near panic for the butt of his stainless-steel Colt Python.

They allowed the team to draw the hearse on at a steady pace, with the packhorses tied behind.

The packhorses, loaded and on their lead line, stamped impatiently, but everyone stood by his mount and waited.

Perrin held the lead line to one of the packhorses they had brought south.

Adding to the danger of a flat-out gallop of over three thousand horsemen were the packhorses and relief horses, most of which were running out of control.

More packhorses more heavily laden, more local armed men accompanying them.

Singing Pastures mounted, their packhorses weighed down with their possessions and what was left of their herds standing, heads hanging, beneath a cloud of dust.