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n. 1 A person who packages. 2 A tool or machine used to package objects.


Packager may refer to:

  • Software packager, a software tool for creating installers
  • Packager (manufacturing), encloses products for distribution, storage, sale, and use
  • Book packager, handles many tasks as intermediary between writer and publisher

Usage examples of "packager".

There are many kinds of writers: the highbrows, the packagers, the high fantasists, the low fantasists, the horror writers, the hard sf writers, the soft sf writers, the feminists, the series writers, the producers of movie and TV tie-ins, the sharecroppers.

He spoke of resanctifying our daily lives, of ways in which packagers drain divine nutrients from the food we eat, of banks and lawyers and congressmen in 'a black hole of greed, sucking in money and information, never to be seen again'.

These two are the outstanding producers and packagers of guilt in our time!

Lots of hackwork being published, but it's either big, specialized crap on assignment or through packagers, or it's genre stuff done by stable hacks.

The information constituted pieces of a hologram reflecting the same picture at different moments in time, and the station’s computers somehow assembled it all: births and deaths, elections, civil records, deeds, titles, rumors, popular songs, books in data-form for reproduction by local packagers, mail, production statistics, news, sports, weather where applicable, star behaviors, navigational data, in-space incidents, the total picture of everything going on anywhere humans existed so far as that particular ship had been in contact with it.

Tsipis had found a similar packager in Hassadar that was moving to a larger location, and had drawn Mark's attention to their abandoned facility as a possible venue for the pilot plant for bug butter products.

Lemule’s had a big order for sourcing and supplying packager modules for a supermarket chain on five phase two worlds, and their crates were stacked up across half of the cavernous interior awaiting shipment orders.