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oxygen masks

n. (oxygen mask English)

Usage examples of "oxygen masks".

On the sidewalk, enlisted guardsmen handed out extra oxygen masks to the men who would search the area for anyone who might not have gotten out before the screen exploded.

Tank spotted by satellite shooting at pocket of cadets wearing flight oxygen masks at the Air Force Academy.

They removed their oxygen masks, to be greeted by the thick fetid smell of their cargo, and it was everything they could do not to vomit as the cargo door was opened in the rear.

Several were in sick bay, oxygen masks and IV tubes feeding into them while medical teams grimly tried to keep their oxygen-starvation injuries to a minimum.

Keeping the oxygen masks off prevents them from falling into a deep sleep.

Above, behind, below them in the void there hung reclining seats, stereophonic headsets, drinks trolleys, motion discomfort receptacles, disembarkation cards, duty-free video games, braided caps, paper cups, blankets, oxygen masks.

Not, of course, that we'll look any too handsome in oxygen masks, but we'll be able to give them a suggestion of the true human shape.

Piet and half a dozen senior members of the complement waited for us in oxygen masks.

Conversation was impossible because of the noisy engines and the oxygen masks covering their faces.