Oshiyan is a village in Chaboksar District, Gilan Province, Iran. It is located in the shortest distance between the Alborz mountain and the Caspian Sea with maximum 1500 meters width. Due to this geographical situation, it has nice four season climate suitable for growing flowers and plants. There are lot of garden nurseries which export varieties of flowers in this region. Oshiyan has sandy golden beach which is suitable for sunbath and swimming. Meanwhile, its green forest is suitable for camping and mountain climbing. There are lot of tourist residential complexes such as Ahovan, Shaghayegh and Amir Al momenin beach resorts in this area . Jet skis and paracel, fishing, boating and horse riding is the main tourist entertainments. Ramsar's green roof complex with cable car, carting and funfair is adjacent (2 Kilometer) to this place.