n. (plural of ovulation English)
Usage examples of "ovulations".
In fact, we humans are the ones whose scarcely detectable ovulations make us members of a small minority in the animal world.
To understand their theory, imagine what married life would be like if women did advertise their ovulations, like female baboons with bright red der-rieres.
Thus, in Alexander and Noonan's view, women's concealed ovulations and constant receptivity evolved in order to promote monogamy, paternal care, and fathers' confidence in their paternity.
As the next-to-last step, Sillen-Tullberg and Moller combined steps 1 and 2 to ask: is there any tendency for more or less conspicuous ovulations to be associated with a particular mating system?
Not a single monogamous primate species has boldly advertised ovulations, which instead are usually (in fourteen out of eighteen cases) confined to promiscuous species.
Harem-holding species as well have invisible, slightly visible, or conspicuous ovulations, depending on the particular species.
We started out with an apparently simple question that deserved a simple answer: why do we hide our ovulations and have recreational sex on any day of the month?
Yes, sex is fun for us because women have concealed ovulations and are constantly receptive, but why did they evolve that unusual reproductive physiology?
While part of Harry’s mind listened to the story of Clayton O’Connell’s begetting—how Coker’s charms and suits had kept Maeve preternaturally young, but slowed her ovulations to a trickle.