Crossword clues for overwrought
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Overwrought \O`ver*wrought\, p. p. & a. from Overwork.
Wrought upon excessively; overworked.
Extremely agitated or excited; overexcited; -- of people.
Overwork \O`ver*work"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Overworkedor Overwrought; p. pr. & vb. n. Overworking.]
To work beyond the strength; to cause to labor too much or too long; to tire excessively; as, to overwork a horse.
To fill too full of work; to crowd with labor.
My days with toil are overwrought.
--Longfellow. To decorate all over.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
a. 1 In a state of excessive nervousness, excitement, or anger; Extremely tense, anxious, or upset; filled with emotion, emotional; uneasy. 2 Elaborate; overdone.
adj. deeply agitated especially from emotion; "distraught with grief" [syn: distraught]
Usage examples of "overwrought".
Unwilling to entertain this tragic thought, the overwrought Blotto made a final effort.
Even in the litigiously overwrought world of publishing, the case caused ripples.
His work had something of the Mannerist style about it and was overwrought and exaggerated.
Her mind, overwrought by resolute contemplation of ideas beyond its scope, her gentle nature bent beneath a burden of duty to which it was unequal, and taught to consider with painful solemnity those impulses of kindness which would otherwise have been merely the simple joys of life, she had come to distrust every instinct which did not subserve the supreme purpose.
Julian and the rest at the table was merely a heated discussion abruptly cut off by an overwrought Christian zealot who, like all his coreligionists, took himself far too seriously for polite company.
I was endeavouring to gather the loose ends of many thoughts and memories which flitted elusively through my tired and overwrought brain.
Dobbs answered pugnaciously in his rough, quavering, overwrought voice.
The bruises had been inflicted by overwrought fans in the pit, the place-for-packing-them-in.
Fifty years ago the somber, overwrought architecture of the Later Expansion period had been extremely fashionable, an overreaction, perhaps, to the excessive ebullience of the Early Exploration period that preceded it.
The thing that will inevitably impress itself on the thinking and feeling man and woman is that the sight of brutal clubbing of innocent victims in a so-called free Republic, and the degrading, soul-destroying economic struggle, furnish the spark that kindles the dynamic force in the overwrought, outraged souls of men like Czolgosz or Averbuch.
Confirmable also from things contained in them: In most were found substances resembling Combes, Plates like Boxes, fastened with Iron pins, and handsomely overwrought like the necks or Bridges of Musicall Instruments, long brasse plates overwrought like the handles of neat implements, brazen nippers to pull away hair, and in one a kinde of Opale, yet maintaining a blewish colour.
Peters' overwrought soul blew off steam in the shape of a passionate snort.
I wanted to hear that scream again now, to bring relief to my bursting heart and shaking nerves, to tell me that it was real and not some trick of overwrought fancy.
A clothesbrush and a tin cup were the only foreign objects on the overwrought, gilded table to the other side of a red velvet chair beside the fringed canopy bed.
Scattergood did what she could to induce her to walk out with her and take the air, but Judith felt herself quite unequal to it, and begged with so much earnestness to be left in solitude, that the good lady judged it wisest to humour her, and set off alone to try and find some new publication upon the shelves of the circulating library sufficient enthralling to distract even the most overwrought mind.