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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Overworn \O`ver*worn"\, p. p. & a. from Overwear, v. t. Worn out or subdued by toil; worn out so as to be trite.


a. worn out

Usage examples of "overworn".

Your eyes look pale, hollow, and overworn, With heaviness of watching and slow grief.

SILENUS: O Bacchus, what a world of toil, both now And ere these limbs were overworn with age, Have I endured for thee!

Eurohiking, our bodies ready to burst from within the frayed seams of our overworn garments washed irregularly in bidets spanning the continent.

For this wandering, ever longer, evermore, Hath overworn me, And I know not on what shore I may rest from my despair.

The frayed and overworn gut broke at a knot, and with a loose roll he dropped back towards the deep.

In the evening shadows I could almost pretend her white paint had not faded and cracked, that disrepair did not sully her inner courtyard, and that rust did not mar the iron railings wrapping her galleries like overworn lacy garters.

Now grows midsummer mirky, and fallow falls the morn, And dusketh the Moon's Sister, and the trees look overworn.