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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Overword \O`ver*word"\, v. t. To say in too many words; to express verbosely.


n. 1 (context UK dialectal English) Any word or phrase frequently repeated. 2 (context UK dialectal English) The burden or chorus of a song. vb. To say in too many words; to express verbosely.

Usage examples of "overword".

Dayling maidens went in bands trimly decked out throughout all the host and served the warriors with meat and drink, and sang the overword to their lays, and smote the harp, and drew the bow over the fiddle till it laughed and wailed and chuckled, and were blithe and merry with all, and great was the glee on the eve of battle.

But she did manage to introduce him to the director of translation services, and within a week he was working eight hours a day, translating documents, or sitting in interminable conferences, repeating in two or three languages such overworded and cautious statements as a given representative dared to make in public.

Now the summer prime is her blithest rhyme In the being and the seeming, And they that have heard the overword Know life's a dream worth dreaming.