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n. (plural of overture English)

Usage examples of "overtures".

How often the subject has served for operettas, cantatas, overtures, symphonies, etc.

Mention has been made of the fact that Beethoven wrote four overtures for his opera.

She had also rejected, with blunt profanity, sexual overtures from some of the men.

Despite her earlier rejection of sexual overtures, last night she had bedded with Carlos.

As far as Dolabella was concerned, Cassius must have been making secret overtures to the Syrian and Alexandrian legions, so it was vital that he reach his province ahead of Cassius.

Philippus held a family dinner in honor of the new consuls, shrinking at the prospect of having to inform them that his younger son, Quintus, was making overtures to Gaius Cassius in Syria.

Caesar or that made overtures of friendliness to Brutus and Cassius when they were issuing their edicts.

We have been anything but cordial in our responses to the two or three peace overtures the rebels have made.

By this time, she was informed of her debt to Drehkos and was truly regretful of the cool formality with which she had rebuffed his overtures of friendship, first at Vawnpolis, then during the raiding campaign.

I am rightly informed, never again made matrimonial overtures to any one.

Working on these ideas, Mr Moffat commenced operations in such manner that his overtures to the heiress should not, if unsuccessful, interfere with the Greshamsbury engagement.

Mr Moffat went on to show how it behoved them both, in holding out their hands half-way to meet the aristocratic overtures that were made to them, not to allow themselves to be made use of.