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  1. being filled beyond reasonable capacity v

  2. (en-past of: overstuff)


adj. upholstered thickly and deeply; "an overstuffed sofa"

Usage examples of "overstuffed".

Harvath, Morrell, and the rest of the team buckled into the overstuffed leather seats inside the lounge behind the flight deck, and the 747-400 was towed out of the hangar and onto the tarmac.

Edward sat sprawled in an overstuffed armchair before the fire in the most lavish and most costly suite of rooms in the Clarendon, the same rooms, claimed Peart in uncharacteristic awe, that were always requested by a certain Russian archduchess whenever she came to London.

Wearily, with the slowness of age and psychological fatigue, Scire sinks down into the overstuffed chair opposite the couch.

The moment the two of them stepped into the shop, Sella was there, bustling them to a pair of overstuffed chairs and fetching them over-sweetened herb tea.

Three overstuffed chairs and a mangy green couch were piled high with discarded clothing, and on the floor lay shoes, stockings and underthings, as if she were in the habit of undressing as she walked and flinging her clothes as she went.

He found Adams upstairs in his library seated in a large overstuffed armchair, dressed in a blue coat, a cotton cap covering his bald head.

The picture became a darkened living room where Poopi Silverfish lounged on an overstuffed couch catercorner with a settee on which a redheaded figure sat sprawled.

Several overstuffed chairs clustered around the centerpiece of the room, a small mahogany piano whose top was piled with music books.

There the magnificently overstuffed featherbed welcomed him with outstretched pillows.

Earl of Hendon was in a big overstuffed armchair beside his library fire, a well-worn, leather-covered volume of Cicero lying open on his lap, when Sebastian walked in, the black loo-mask dangling from one finger.

The massive interior was filled with antiques, overstuffed chairs, and nicknacks from some long gone era.

Apohatsu to the only other chair in her office, which featured a sloped backrest but was still not altogether different from an overstuffed recliner with which he might furnish his study in his Okinawan home on Earth.

The Yampa was still swollen with snowmelt and it flowed laconically, like an overstuffed hog, toward its distant marriage with the Green River.

Random items of furniture -- overstuffed easy chairs, end-table lamps, swatches of astroturf, saki cups -- float relaxedly in the gentle air tides that waft through the cells.

There were crocheted doilies on tables and cabinets, crocheted cushions on overstuffed chairs.