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n. The condition in which the rear wheels of a car don't follow the desired curve while cornering, the rear wheels losing a degree of traction and so skidding off the required line into a spin. vb. to lose the control of one's vehicle in a corner due to rear wheels sliding and not following the front wheels

Usage examples of "oversteer".

The oversteer can be to either the left or to the right and its effect decreases the radius of the turn.

If you are in an oversteer situation and come off the throttle too quickly, the rear end of the car will be gone.

If there is a grass surface at the edge of the road be prepared to quickly correct any oversteer that might follow and be ready to ease back on the throttle a little if your tires lose traction.

Giving the Porsche’s wheel a rightward turn, he oversteered a bit and had to straighten before turning onto Cathcart Boulevard.

The flashlight flicked on, and the shaft of light fell on wet rocks that glistened only yards away She swung the tiller to avoid a crash, oversteering in her haste, and was turned sideways by the current.

He was a shaky driver in reverse, oversteering madly, swinging back and forth in abrupt Vs across the road, but he did make it all the way to the bottom before plowing into the front end of a silver Jensen Interceptor III with stereo t/d, AM/FM, a/c, brown int.