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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Overstand \O`ver*stand"\, v. t. To stand on the price or conditions of, so as to lose a sale; to lose by an extravagant price or hard conditions. [Obs.]

What madman would o'erstand his market twice?

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"to stand over or beside," from Old English oferstandan; see over- + stand (v.).


vb. 1 (context rare English) to stand or insist too much or too long; overstay 2 (context transitive English) to stand too strictly on the demands or conditions of. 3 (sense: yachting, boat racing) to sail to the mark at a wider angle than is the normal upwind angle, to go beyond the layline 4 (sense: Rastafarianism, US black subculture) to have complete or intutitive comprehension, to grok 5 (sense forestry of a coppice) To be neglected and left uncut for too long.