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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Oversoul \O"ver*soul`\, n. The all-containing soul. [R.]

That unity, that oversoul, within which every man's particular being is contained and made one with all other.


n. (context philosophy especially in transcendentalism English) A supreme reality or mind; the spiritual unity of all being.


Oversoul may refer to:

Usage examples of "oversoul".

It is as if the Emersonian model of Oversoul, of a bloodstream that connects living creatures, were moved out of polite nineteenth-century rhetoric and shown to be the life-saving, corporeal principle it is.

Basilica to do whatever he wanted was to persuade them that he was getting visions from the Oversoul.

Though he was far away from the others, he was still linked to them through the undermind, the oversoul, and he knew that they were changing, too, in different, frightening ways.

I want to know why the Oversoul brought us to this place of all places, instead of to one of the many locations where we could have established our colony without interfering in the lives of diggers or angels.

The Oversoul will fulfil her promises to you-that you will inherit a land of plenty, and your children will be a great nation.

The Oversoul will fulfil her promises to youthat you will inherit a land of plenty, and your children will be a great nation.

And the message, however vague it was, however tied to childish puzzlements, was nevertheless from the Keeper of Earth, which somehow made it more important than if it had come from the Oversoul.