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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Oversell \O`ver*sell`\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Oversold; p. pr. & vb. n. Overselling. ]

  1. To sell for a higher price than; to exceed in selling price.

    One whose beauty Would oversell all Italy.
    --Beau. & Fl.

  2. To sell beyond means of delivery. [Brokers' Cant]

    Oversold market (Brokers' Cant), a market in which stocks or commodities have been sold ``short'' to such an extent that it is difficult to obtain them for delivery.


vb. (present participle of oversell English)


Overselling, overbooking or 'load-factor' is sale of a volatile good or service in excess of actual supply. Overselling is a common practice in the travel and lodging industry, in which it is expected that some people will cancel. In telecommunications, sometimes the term 'load-factor' and oversubscription are preferred. The practice occurs as an intentional business strategy where sellers expect that some buyers will not consume all of the resources they are entitled to, or that some buyers will cancel. The practice of overselling ensures that 100% of available supply will be used resulting in the maximum return on investment. However, if most customers do wish to purchase or use the sold commodity, it may leave some customers lacking a service they expected to receive.

Overbooking is regulated (though rarely prohibited) in many countries and industries, and companies that do practice it are often required or forced by market competition to offer large amounts of compensation to customers as an incentive for them to not take up their purchase. An alternative to overbooking is discouraging consumers from buying services they do not actually intend to use. This can be done by making reservations non-refundable, a common practice among low-cost carriers and railways, or requiring customers wishing to cancel their right to a service to pay a termination fee.

Usage examples of "overselling".

Granted that a busy reader may only glance at the Introduction to a paper before deciding to pass it by, it is important to make the trailer intriguing, without overselling - a delicate matter.

There was, he thought, such a thing as overselling, be it of product or idea.

It was clear that Avery III and his blow-cut salesmen were overselling the vault.

He finally recognized it litestone was overselling, but possibly that was be-ause of his embarrassment at quitting his job so Tjrupfly.