n. 1 A country or smaller territory which politically is either an integral part of - or in some dependent (e.g. colonial) relationship with another state, but is geographically separated from that 'mother state' by the sea, without bordering it or its coastal waters 2 (context legal English) A more specific status legally defined under a constitution for one or more of the above territories
The term overseas territory ( or ) is an administrative division of France and is currently only applied to the French Southern and Antarctic Lands.
The division differs from that of overseas departments ( French: Département d'outre-mer or DOM), but because of some common peculiarities, DOMs, TOMs and other overseas possessions under other statuses are often referred to collectively as DOM/TOM. Unlike the British Overseas Territories, which are not constitutionally part of the United Kingdom or its national territory, they are integral parts of the French Republic.
Usage examples of "overseas territory".
Now known as the Crozet Islands, they form a tiny overseas territory of France.
Imperialist: A person who advocates that any Western country retain any of its overseas territory.
A person who advocates that any Western country retain any of its overseas territory.
Since the troubles in India, the sepoy risings of a few years previously, the British government was very wary of accepting further responsibility for overseas territory and backward peoples.