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n. A line over a character of text; an overbar. vb. 1 (cx transitive English) To draw a line above (text). 2 (cx ambitransitive music English) To score (a piece of music) for too many instruments.

Usage examples of "overscore".

From outside the stadium, a thousand voices shout in distant confusion and outrage, overscored by the sound of brass trumpets.

But he did not mention the fact that after she did thisafter she had underscored and overscored these letters and made them the plainest and most conclusive proof of her forgeryshe still kept those love letters!

Yurgy hated to touch that wood, which he believed very old and which, though well-polished, was overscored with a multitude of leprous-looking patches, more virulent than any mold designed by nature.

Then suddenly that rustling ceased, for it was overscored by a whisper which undoubtedly came from the aperture on which my aural attention was fixed.

From outside the stadium, a thousand voices shout in distant confusion and outrage, overscored by the sound of brass trumpets.

But he did not mention the fact that after she did thisafter she had underscored and overscored these letters and made them the plainest and most conclusive proof of her forgeryshe still kept those love letters!