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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Overruling \O`ver*rul"ing\, a. Exerting controlling power; as, an overruling Providence. -- O`ver*rul"ing*ly, adv.


Overrule \O`ver*rule"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Overruled; p. pr. & vb. n. Overruling.]

  1. To rule over; to govern or determine by superior authority.

  2. To rule or determine in a contrary way; to decide against; to abrogate or alter; as, God overrules the purposes of men; the chairman overruled the point of order.

    His passion and animosity overruled his conscience.

    These [difficulties] I had habitually overruled.
    --F. W. Newman.

  3. (Law) To supersede, reject, annul, or rule against; as, the plea, or the decision, was overruled by the court.


n. The situation where something is overruled. vb. (present participle of overrule English)

Usage examples of "overruling".

State of New York in their quality as highways of interstate and foreign transportation are held to be governed by the overruling power of Congress.

It is not denied that there may be cases in which a respect to the general principles of liberty, the essential rights of the people, or the overruling sentiments of humanity, might require a government, whether new or old, to be treated as an illegitimate despotism.

Justice spoke for the Court as in the Slocum Case, it was held that a trial court had the right to enter a judgment on the verdict of the jury for the plaintiff after overruling a motion by defendant for dismissal on the ground of insufficient evidence.

Whatever occurs, we should have Faith in the Justice and overruling Wisdom of God, and Hope for the Future, and Loving-kindness for those who are in error.

Almost every heathen nation, so far as we have any knowledge of their mythology, believed in one Supreme Overruling God, whose name it was not lawful to utter.

The Republican party sprang into being to meet the overruling call of the hour.

That Mamercus gave in was not evidence of weakness, simply that he was a practical man and saw the inadvisability of overruling Claudia.