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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Overrule \O`ver*rule"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Overruled; p. pr. & vb. n. Overruling.]

  1. To rule over; to govern or determine by superior authority.

  2. To rule or determine in a contrary way; to decide against; to abrogate or alter; as, God overrules the purposes of men; the chairman overruled the point of order.

    His passion and animosity overruled his conscience.

    These [difficulties] I had habitually overruled.
    --F. W. Newman.

  3. (Law) To supersede, reject, annul, or rule against; as, the plea, or the decision, was overruled by the court.


vb. (en-past of: overrule)

Overruled (play)

Overruled (1912) is a comic one-act play written by George Bernard Shaw. In Shaw's words, it is about "how polygamy occurs among quite ordinary people innocent of all unconventional views concerning it." The play concerns two couples who desire to switch partners, but are prevented from doing so by various considerations and end up negotiating an ambiguous set of relationships.

Usage examples of "overruled".

Now hunger overruled the other discomforts and the fact that I had missed what lunch there was to eat made the lack of dinner torture.

Ford overruled them and appointed himself, asserting that it was his duty as the responsible executive.

I decided that for the safety of the ship my best course was to obey his orders until such time as higher authority endorsed or overruled his action.

Challee protested again about the waste of court time, and Blakely again overruled him.

Scott began, his expression brightening for a scant second before common sense overruled that possibility.

Menolly and Robinton had overruled him unless Ruth couldn't get a vivid enough picture of the cove from the combination of Menolly and the fire-lizards.

He had repeatedly recommended that this be created but he had always been overruled, here in Japan, and also in Rome by the General of the Order.

I thought that was the Hand of God, and knew it for certain when later he overruled me and saved my ship, and then when my ship was safe and the wave took me and I was drowning, my last thought was that that also was God's punishment on me for an attempted murder.