vb. 1 To produce more of something than one can use or sell 2 (context music pejorative English) To apply excess modifications to musical recordings, such as adding effects.
v. produce in excess; produce more than needed or wanted
produce in excess; "The country overproduces cars"
Usage examples of "overproduce".
Since fruits and vegetables are low-density carbohydrates, it is very difficult to overconsume them, and hence difficult to overproduce insulin.
In short, to all those people to whom it didn't make sense to have to labor year-in, year-out in dismally unfulfilling ways in order to be allowed a modest share of the produce in a world whose biggest preoccupation seemed to be with moving overproduced merchandise that nobody really needed.
In short, to all those people to whom it didn’t make sense to have to labor year-in, year-out in dismally unfulfilling ways in order to be allowed a modest share of the produce in a world whose biggest preoccupation seemed to be with moving overproduced merchandise that nobody really needed.
Farming constantly overproduced, as did other "sick industries" such as textiles and coal mining.
But as they overproduced, they had to leave the dead cities in search of food.
Were they now to be beggared as Kuwait overproduced and drove the oil price downward?
If only one or a few related chemicals were involved, it might be possible, but you are apparently overproducing dozens or even hundreds--maybe even all of them.
If only one or a few related chemicals were involved, it might be possible, but you are apparently overproducing dozens or even hundreds—maybe even all of them.
Several of them were overproducing iron, in violation of IPEC's guidelines, and so the price continued to drift erratically down.
Its only value was in plastics and as a lubricant, and the oil producing nations had been overproducing for those needs.