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  1. Which overmasters; dominating, oppressive, conquering. v

  2. (present participle of overmaster English)

Usage examples of "overmastering".

The lewd, perennial, overmastering spell That keeps the rolling universe ensphered, And life, and all for which life lives to long, Wanton and wondrous and for ever well.

Nor shall I recount further incidents of the life that is now to end - a life of wandering, always and everywhere haunted by an overmastering sense of crime in punishment of wrong and of terror in punishment of crime.

You will allow me to tell you that what I learned at Kimbolton brought me here with two overmastering desires: the first to bring you to book, and the second to shake the hand of the boy who tried to rescue from your clutches a girl whose youth and innocence must have protected her from any but an unprincipled villain!

The wolfishness meant only that he never questioned the overmastering importance of what he -- whoever and whatever he was -- might be doing.