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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Overlook \O`ver*look"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Overlooked; p. pr. & vb. n. Overlooking.]

  1. To look down upon from a place that is over or above; to look over or view from a higher position; to be situated above, so as to command a view of; as, to overlook a valley from a hill; a hotel room that overlooks the marketplace. ``The pile o'erlooked the town.''

    [Titan] with burning eye did hotly overlook them.

  2. Hence: To supervise; to watch over; sometimes, to observe secretly; as, to overlook a gang of laborers; to overlook one who is writing a letter.

  3. To inspect; to examine; to look over carefully or repeatedly. ``Overlook this pedigree.''

    The time and care that are required To overlook and file and polish well.

  4. To look upon with an evil eye; to bewitch by looking upon; to fascinate. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.]

    If you trouble me I will overlook you, and then your pigs will die.
    --C. Kingsley.

  5. To look over and beyond (anything) without seeing it; to miss or omit in looking; to fail to notice; to fail to observe; as, to overlook a mistake in addition; to overlook a missing bolt.

  6. Hence: To refrain from bestowing notice or attention upon; to disregard or deliberately ignore; to pass over without censure or punishment; to excuse or pardon (a fault, error, or misdeed).

    The times of ignorance therefore God overlooked.
    --Acts xvii. 30 (Rev. Ver. )

    They overlook truth in the judgments they pass.

    The pardoning and overlooking of faults.

  1. missed, unnoticed. v

  2. (en-past of: overlook)


adj. not taken into account; "his retirement was not allowed to go unmarked" [syn: unmarked, unnoted]

Overlooked (album)

Overlooked is a compilation album by American alternative rock band Caroline's Spine. It includes several tracks that appeared on previous releases, simply rerecorded and slightly updated in style, tone, and quality. Overlooked was intended to give fans who were unable to acquire the band's older albums to hear some of the previous songs.

Usage examples of "overlooked".

Little eccentricities like custom-tailored uniforms could be overlooked in someone who was both a High Family scion and had an excellent record of performance.

The former of these conquests is disdained by their own writers, who were ignorant of the fame of Jupiter and Minos, but it has not been overlooked by the Byzantine historians, who now begin to cast a clearer light on the affairs of their own times.

A province might suffer by the decay of its manufactures, but in this example of silk, Procopius has partially overlooked the inestimable and lasting benefit which the empire received from the curiosity of Justinian.

Fourteen years before, the church of Spain had overlooked the vth general council with contemptuous silence, (xiii.

Yet this famous temple had been overlooked by Agatharcides, (de Mari Rubro, p.

After the wonder of the Coliseum, Poggius might have overlooked small amphitheatre of brick, most probably for the use of the praetorian camp: the theatres of Marcellus and Pompey were occupied in a great measure by public and private buildings.

A wide window overlooked the riotously blooming gardens, backed by the towers of the city, magically iridescent in the green sunlight, sparkling in an incredible panorama to my alien eyes.

The vast garden changing with the season, overlooked by the grand presence of Saddle Ridge was a most soothing view.

She toned down her open criticism of his bedside manner, and he overlooked what he termed her "bleeding heart," openly approving her grasp of his instruction.

Lunzie said briskly, handing around peppers which had been overlooked by the heavyworlders in the piloting compartment.

They turned into the control room that overlooked the turbine floor, a room lined with the equipment that registered the flow of electricity to the various substations.

Her kidnapper had overlooked a few small points, the most important of which was that she happened to be a very strong swimmer with lungs well developed from singing opera and crystal.

To one side, in front of the wide window that overlooked the immense doors of the Hangar, a table had been set and the enticing odours of some of her favourite foods wafted to her.

A small part, actually, which as everyone knew, was the kind that could be easily overlooked in a servicing and yet cause considerable problems when it malfunctioned.

Floss, taking no chance of being overlooked, held up her hand, waggling it at Zainal.