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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Overload \O`ver*load"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Overloaded; p. pr. & vb. n. Overloading.] [Cf. Overlade.] To load or fill to excess; to load too heavily.


n. (context computing English) A type of polymorphism, where different functions, operators or variables with the same name are invoked based on the data types of the parameters passed. vb. (present participle of overload English)


The term overloading may refer to:

  • Function overloading, a software engineering process whereby multiple functions of different types are defined with the same name
  • Operator overloading, a software engineering process whereby operators (e.g. + or -) are treated as polymorphic functions having different behaviors depending on the types of arguments used
  • Overloading (chess), a tactical theme arising out of an opponent piece performing more than one defensive task in the game
  • Overloading, in weight training, refers to performing exercises with higher resistance than the muscles can handle, causing microtrauma which leads to hypertrophy or muscle growth
Overloading (chess)

Overloading is a chess tactic in which a defensive piece is given an additional defensive assignment which it cannot complete without abandoning its original defensive assignment.

Usage examples of "overloading".

It spreads, slow and thick, meaningless codes and numbers oozing like molasses, clogging the more delicate traps, overloading the fine triggers until one by one the traps fire or fizzle, releasing payloads that are lost at once in the sea of garbage.

On all sides of the central corridor and above Boba Fett's head, the tethered subnodes thrashed and convulsed, stirred from their torpor by the inputs of pain overloading their own systems.

We're getting reports from all over of businesses frantically shutting down their computer systems, all sorts of last-minute bank transactions, communication switches overloading, and that's all in addition to the disruption of shutting down the national air system, trains, and so on.

She might try overloading his fields with a salvo of her remaining conventional weaponry.

A major factory, one of the few in a city almost wholly dependent on agriculture, was letting the workers out to choke the road with motorcycles, private cars, and dolmuses - mini vans that followed fixed routes like buses, but on no particular schedule and with an even higher degree of overloading than was the norm for Turkish buses.

In fact, any sound or vibration would be a very bad sign indeed, shock waves overloading the antisound suppressors, jolts maxing out the electrogravitics, supports buckling and bulkheads crumpling.

AH Holtzman Field Effects can he forced back into their point-source status either by discontinuing tile maintenance power, in which case the microlasers must reengage instantly or the point-source will wander and be lost, or by overloading the field, which requires an enormous amount of electrical energy to be grounded into the effect.

Instead of overloading us with their world-building and the maps and glossaries typical of so much fantasy, the Hendees provide well-rounded characters that go a lot further than maps in making a lively fantasy world.

She had gotten up, put on a pot of coffee, and spent the next several hours overloading on caffeine while she made her plans.

The girl wanted to say something to force Langers into taking them along even if it meant overloading.

Our own Watcher elders had struggled long and hard with the problem of how to instill observational discipline without overloading or even breaking their children's natural spirits, and I could only hope Shepherd Adams and his people were treading as lightly.

Now Bobby Harper was smiling, Obo was stroking her cheek, and feelings she didn't understand were overloading her senses.