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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Overflowing \O`ver*flow"ing\, n. An overflow; that which overflows; exuberance; copiousness.

He was ready to bestow the overflowings of his full mind on anybody who would start a subject.


Overflow \O`ver*flow"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Overflowed; p. pr. & vb. n. Overflowing.] [AS. oferfl?wan. See Over, and Flow.]

  1. To flow over; to cover woth, or as with, water or other fluid; to spread over; to inundate; to overwhelm.

    The northern nations overflowed all Christendom.

  2. To flow over the brim of; to fill more than full.


n. overflow vb. (present participle of overflow English)

  1. adj. overfull with water; "swollen rivers and creeks" [syn: flooding, in flood(p), swollen]

  2. covered with water; "the main deck was afloat (or awash)"; "the monsoon left the whole place awash"; "a flooded bathroom"; "inundated farmlands"; "an overflowing tub" [syn: afloat(p), awash(p), flooded, inundated]

Usage examples of "overflowing".

Now and again we chanced upon a hamlet which the hurricane had passed by almost completely, full to overflowing with the afflux of neighbouring populations.

Browne, whose face was once more wrinkling with mirth, poured out for himself a glass of whisky while Freddy Malins exploded, before he had well reached the climax of his story, in a kink of high-pitched bronchitic laughter and, setting down his untasted and overflowing glass, began to rub the knuckles of his left fist backwards and forwards into his left eye, repeating words of his last phrase as well as his fit of laughter would allow him.

Mr Browne, whose face was once more wrinkling with mirth, poured out for himself a glass of whisky while Freddy Malins exploded, before he had well reached the climax of his story, in a kink of high-pitched bronchitic laughter and, setting down his untasted and overflowing glass, began to run the knuckles of his left fist backwards and forwards into his left eye, repeating words of his last phrase as well as his fit of laughter would allow him.

I am not prepared to believe that the enormous warehouses of Westport were ever filled to overflowing with merchandise, being inclined rather to assign their vast size to that tendency towards overbuilding which is a permanent characteristic of a generous and hopeful people.

To pursue its victory, life, the perpetual conqueror, demanded this portion of their flesh, this overplus of the numerous family, which was overflowing, spreading, peopling the world.

It was driven by his gardener, and filled to overflowing with azaleas and polyanthus, and great bunches of irises and tulips and freesias.

On the glass-topped table separating them, a pile of polystyrene beefburger cartons, overflowing ashtrays and toppled beer cans bore witness to an evening of over-indulgence that had rendered the builder and his girlfriend bloated, tipsy and spoiling for a fight.

Camilla to Mandlebert, in quitting Cleves, and the tears with which he saw her eyes overflowing, had annihilated all his resentment, and left him no wish but to serve her.

Resting his head against the door, he heard the faintest possible plucking of a shamisen, like the idle sound of overflowing water.

Lily herself, must wither, and the cup of my sorrows must be filled to overflowing, and the heart of Umslopogaas the Slaughterer, son of Chaka the king, must become desolate as the black plain when fire has swept it.

All the gold that was needed the royal pursebearer was able to supp ly from his overflowing purse.

Out of eyes overflowing with anguished innocence, fear and terror and uncomprehending madness spilled forth in profusion unbounded.

She looked over her shoulder once, as though expecting the amphitheater to be filled again with the aristocracy of Loo, expected again to smell expensive perfumes and see Dapsl standing aside with his whip overflowing violent pain.

This one-time bed of the Paleozoic sea between Archaean shores, raised in time above the ocean and enriched of the mountains that through millions of years were gradually to be worn down by the natural forces of the valley, and finally, as we have seen, opened by the French as a newcreated world to be peopled by the old world, then overflowing its brim, became all of it in the space of a single lifetime the property of a few million human beings, their heirs, and assigns forever.

Bligh striking out the debts from her ledger-book, her strong-box becoming a catch-basin for the new money, overflowing and spilling out gleaming rivulets down the street to the bankside coffee-merchants, and thence down the Thames into the wide.