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n. (plural of overflight English)

Usage examples of "overflights".

But I think we must meet soon and discuss the rules under which your overflights for Mapping and Exploring are permitted.

Darkover is an Empire colony and while we will not interfere with the self-determination of your people, we do not admit that these overflights come under your jurisdiction to protest.

But since we heard about that crashed plane in the Kilghards out near Armida, the natives have been nervous about their overflights,” Monty said.

They've made four overflights of the island, just to let us know that they can do it.

How about sending a message to the Russian admiral asking him to curtail his overflights until we get this worked out a little better?

Our reports for the past five hours show no American fighter aircraft overflights of the village.

Balloon overflights were then replaced by high-altitude aircraft, such as the U-2, which in turn were largely replaced by reconnaissance satellites.

I've had men over there on the ground and I've had overflights made at night—like this one.

Normally, the coded alert was concerned with accidents, launchings, overflights, or malfunctions that could lead to war with the Soviet Union.

The carrier's automated point defense was on and random overflights of the area would be dangerous.