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vb. To decorate or embellish to an excessive degree

Usage examples of "overdecorate".

They were all well made, forged in Agra by French-trained gunsmiths, but some were the wrong calibre and a few were so overdecorated with writhing gods and goddesses that no self-respecting gunner could abide them.

Robbie since the news broke, and he strolled through the overdecorated corridors of his own office to a remarkable silence, deepened both by his bedraggled appearance and by the presence of Evon, who seemed to vacillate between friend and foe on an hourly basis.

It was doubtful Senator Stan Greenlow could win him over, Ryan thought as he cooled his heels in an overdecorated anteroom in the Greenlow mansion, waiting for the great man to make an appearance.

He bought her every imaginable luxury, overdecorated the house, kept it overwarm.

In passing, I allowed myself a quick glance into doorways on either side of the hall, garnering an impression of wildly overdecorated rooms.

Sub-chief Captain Vawn took but one look at the flashy, overdecorated saddle and horse-gear that Hahkmukos had left behind and offered me the price of a decent horse for it, and I took him up on it.

The property was lushly landscaped-banana palms, half a dozen colorful varieties of impatiens, ferns, bougainvillaea, even some star jasmine and the elaborate banks of shrubs and flowers led one to expect that the interior of the Tuck home would be overfurnished and overdecorated, perhaps in some heavy European style.

His penthouse was the most beautiful apartment she'd ever been in, far nicer than their place in New York, which she considered overdecorated and too antiquey—Stella's taste.