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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Overcoming \O`ver*com"ing\, a. Conquering; subduing. -- O`ver*com"ing*ly, adv.


Overcome \O`ver*come"\, v. t. [imp. Overcame; p. p. Overcome; p. pr & vb. n. Overcoming.] [AS. ofercuman. See Over, Come, and cf. Supervene.]

  1. To get the better of; to surmount; to conquer; to subdue; as, to overcome enemies in battle.

    This wretched woman overcome Of anguish, rather than of crime, hath been.

  2. To overflow; to surcharge. [Obs.]
    --J. Philips.

  3. To come or pass over; to spread over. [Obs.]

    And overcome us like a summer's cloud.

    Syn: To conquer; subdue; vanquish; overpower; overthrow; overturn; defeat; crush; overbear; overwhelm; prostrate; beat; surmount. See Conquer.


n. An instance of overcome. vb. (present participle of overcome English)

Usage examples of "overcoming".

Thus ruminating, patient as a cow, I ask myself: What were thy ten overcomings?