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vb. (en-past of: overcloud)

Usage examples of "overclouded".

Seest thou how, under a brow studiously overclouded, Philip cannot conceal the satisfaction which he feels at the prospect of release from the alliance which sat so heavy on him?

Earl of Huntingdon, and generously congratulated him upon prospects which seemed to have interfered with and overclouded those which he had himself entertained.

Even Delight, with her friendship always overclouded with disapproval.

Yet when he entered the house and faced the old surroundings, an unexpected gloom overclouded him.

Yet memory overclouded that hope, as I knew again the sharp pains of my wounded body as I had dragged myself to that place into which I might fling the sword, lest evil find it and turn it to a still greater danger.

She was more interested, however, in the black frown which had overclouded the brow of her father.