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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Overcareful \O"ver*care"ful\ ([=o]"v[~e]r*k[^a]r"f[.u]l), a. Too careful.


a. Excessively careful.


adj. excessively or unduly careful [syn: too-careful]

Usage examples of "overcareful".

It was a long confession, for I was not usually overcareful in freeing myself of my sins.

What made him overcareful was the knowledge that portholes in boats this size were ordinarily not large enough for a man to crawl through.

I was overcareful of the ground, that morning behind the church, and so unfortunately delayed matters until the Governor happened by and brought things to another guess conclusion.

She contemplated the road and the overcareful driving undertaken by Macnamara, who was no less affected by hashish fumes than anyone else.

He helped her from the saddle, coldly silent, his manner overcareful, exaggeratedly polite.