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  1. Excessively burdened v

  2. (en-past of: overburden)


adj. heavily burdened with work or cares; "bowed down with troubles"; "found himself loaded down with responsibilities"; "overburdened social workers"; "weighed down with cares" [syn: bowed down(p), loaded down(p), weighed down(p)]

Usage examples of "overburdened".

Giant barrels of dwarven ale, imported from Stone Mountain, had been hauled out of the cellars and were resting on protesting, overburdened wood frames.

Getting up he went to the heavy-shouldered man seated at an overburdened desk and dropped Joat's note in front of him.

The assignment of a third hot planet, a mere two light-years away from Clariflor, to relieve the overburdened Mrdini homeworlds provided an additional distraction.

Yet that is a much older colony and hasn't yet overburdened its planet's resources.

But he put his cup down and, with a single fluid movement, spun on one heel to an overburdened wall cabinet from which he unerringly extracted a recording device.

The moment she passed the arch from the kitchen, her posture changed, her stride altered, and she was no longer the proud daughter of the Hold but a gawky woman, head down, shuffling, awkwardly overburdened and resentful.

Alessan's scream was the anguish of a man already overburdened by grief and loss.

She had almost fainted before they stopped in this shelter, overburdened and hurting more than she wanted to admit.

She was hard-breathing despite the mask, overburdened with the equipment and her own weight.

In time Niun let his eyes close, his mind full, so overburdened that at last there was nothing to do but abandon all thought and let go.

Perhaps, he thought, he had been wrong to insist upon this point, and to have taken some small part of the weight for himself would not have overburdened his pride.

Her fat piebald horse was overburdened with stuffed saddlebags and yet more bags tied to them with twine and bouncing as precariously as its rider.