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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Overbrow \O`ver*brow"\, v. t. To hang over like a brow; to impend over. [Poetic]

Did with a huge projection overbrow Large space beneath.


vb. (context poetic transitive English) To hang over like a brow; to impend over.

Usage examples of "overbrow".

The state of suspense, as to his safety, to which she believed herself condemned, till she should return to La Vallee, appeared insupportable, and, in such moments, she could not even struggle to assume the composure, that had left her mind, but would often abruptly quit the company she was with, and endeavour to sooth her spirits in the deep solitudes of the woods, that overbrowed the shore.

Out of sight, smooth as waterdrops, all, At a snap of twig or bark In the track of the foreign foot-fall, She climbed to the pineforest dark, Overbrowing an emerald chine Of the grass-billows.