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vb. (en-past of: overbalance)

Usage examples of "overbalanced".

I am certain he will, relinquish, and, if he should not, they are vastly overbalanced by one of the most humane, tender, honest hearts that ever man was blest with.

It cracked under the impact, overbalanced and fell backwards, crashing to the ground.

The burning sled overbalanced and fell away, revealing a dark human figure.

Don so much that he did let me go, and I overbalanced and, yelling my head off, fell on my back into the water.

Her comment to this was cut off when they both slipped together and overbalanced in the snow.

He fell beneath the wheels, and that overbalanced the coach, and it rolled onto its side, while the horses continued to run.

Somewhere behind her a rat overbalanced an empty crate and it fell with a damp thud.